Bridging Tech Skills Gap for Youth Employment in Kenya

Apprentice Cloud focuses on sustainability through Tech Talent Training, Youngtal platform for tech staff augmentation, and Software Development as a Service (SDaaS). The organization's impactful journey aims to empower African youth with in-demand tech skills and bridge the unemployment gap.


Kenya: September 2023, youth unemployment is 35% (Challenge Fund Youth Employment Kenya Report), According to the KNBS Unemployment Reports, The youth aged 20-24 had the highest unemployment rate of 16.8 per cent followed by those aged 15 -19 years at 11.1 per cent 60%-80% of international organizations struggle with tech skill scarcity; 53% delayed hires by 3-4 months. (IDC Report) Apprentice Cloud Solves this through Our Discover Programs i.e Tech training bootcamps where we:


In Kenya, youth unemployment reaches a staggering 35%, with young adults facing the toughest barriers to entering the workforce (Challenge Fund Youth Employment Kenya Report). The tech industry, booming globally, suffers from a 60%-80% skill gap, further hindering growth (IDC Report). Apprentice Cloud tackles these challenges head-on, empowering Kenyan youth with the skills and opportunities they need to thrive.


Our innovative Discover Programs are tech training bootcamps designed to equip young Kenyans with in-demand technical skills. More than just training, we Discover, Nurture, and Showcase our talent:


We've trained over 1,000 young Africans, providing them with the technical foundation for success.


We go beyond training, securing employment opportunities for over 200 graduates.


Over 30% of our graduates achieve "decent work," securing stable and fulfilling careers in the tech industry.

Our Commitments to Sustainability

How We Foster Sustainability:

Apprentice Cloud's results speak for themselves. We are:



    Bringing Your Vision